Up to 8 RTG (8 required for Atrox, other planets needs less)
#Astroneer rtg update#
Since the Groundwork update (october 2019), this achievement becomes a lot faster to get thanks to the paver tool. Now understand that you don’t need 32 amps of power (aka 32 batteries) to unlock the gateway nodes on each planet, but you will need 32 by the time you get to Atrox so it’s best to get them all ready and prepped before you begin this journey. There is always a gateway node at the north and south poles, and4 gateway nodes around the equators of each main planet. There are 6 gateway nodes on each planet and 2 gateway nodes on each moon. Have fun getting this achievement, it’s definitely a process. This will work for 32 of the gateway nodes as 2 on Atrox are semi burried (you will need at least a tier 2 drill head to dig it out) the process is the same to unlock the gateway nodes. By the time you get to the next gateway node your battery bank will be recharged. If you have the rtg in the little side compartment it will charge the battery bank. Then look for the next closest landing zone and repeat. Once the gateway is activated you pack up your large platform B and put it back on the shuttle, put your large storage battery bank back on the shuttle and Take off. After that I bring over the large storage (which has 4 medium storages on it, and 8 small batteries on each medium storage) to unlock the gateway node.

Once I am there I unpack the large platform B and connect it to the gateway node. I find/remember which direction I need to go and I pick up and drop the entire shuttle as I head for the gateway node. I find a close landing spot to one of the gateway nodes. How you do this the easy way is to orbit around each planet landing at the closest zone nearest to each of the gateway nodes. I beat the game right after 1.0 without a QT-RTG so they are not needed to play.To get this achievement you need to unlock all the gateway nodes (does not include the gateway engines at the center of the planet)Ī lot of packagers (at least 34, but probs more because you will mess something up at some point) If you want more of them you can always switch to creative and give yourself as many as you like. There is no way to make it both balanced and yet printable.

In order to have a true nuclear reactor they will need to add a whole new set of resources and that will mean a whole new planet or set of planets/moons. The devs have said before that they will not be adding Planets / Moons. The only way I can see a true "nuclear reactor" is via mods. We have waited since pre 1.0 for a larger wind turbine and just got it. Do you see problem with nuclear reactors, someone is suggesting put them in the game. I definitely need to use QT-RTGs on buggies and medium rovers and on my backpack if I am planning on using hoverboard. There are some places that I have them up and running and are places where they are not needed. Heavyarms の投稿を引用:I didn't think it was that hard to craft the RTGs.

Sure, you can just implement it somehow but then you will face the mass of complaints that it is overpowered/underpowered/too tedious to do/too complicated to do/too easy to do. And this is the problem with many suggestions I see: No thought was spent on these questions.

These are the questions that need to be answered when you want to add something like this into the game. The problem would be: How do you want to make these (with what resources)? How big would it be and what would be the power output? And since a nuclear reactor produces waste, should this put in the game too? And if so, would it cause damage when coming close? How would you dispose of that? Do you need to constantly feed it resources to keep it working?